Nicol Knappen

Nicol Knappen is a charter member and past president of the Wisconsin Pottery Association. He serves on the club’s program and exhibit committees and has served as Vice President.

A publishing professional, he has served as editor of the Journal of the American Art Pottery Association (1992-1993) and editor of the Red Wing Collectors Society Newsletter (1994­-1998). He has consulted on or edited numerous pottery books and edited or written hundreds of articles on American pottery. He also edited a 90-minute videotape from the WPA’s 6-hour video-history of Ceramic Arts Studio artist Betty Harrington.

Nicol has done presentations to the Wisconsin Pottery Association on Haeger, Camark, and was a co-presenter of a Sascha Brastoff presentation.

WPA Press – 2003 Show & Sale Recap
WPA Press – Introducing WPA Member Nicol Knappen
WPA Press – WPA Gathers Steam
WPA Press – Remembering Marion Nelson
Tribute to Marion Nelson