Monthly meetings provide an opportunity to get together with friendly pottery enthusiasts and collectors. We share our recent finds and discuss our interests.
At each meeting there is an interesting presentation. These are the topics for 2024.
March: Pyrex by Gary Hartlage
April 9: Howard Pierce Figures by Jeff Tagliapietra. PLEASE note: time is changed to 3:30 pm
May 14: TBD by Peter Flarety 5:30 pm
Peter Flarety will be speaking about University of North Dakota School of Mines (UND). He requests anyone attending bring any examples you may have to share with the group.
June 11: Tour and meeting at the Dean House 2:30 pm
No meetings June, July, August or September.
August 24: Pottery Show Alliant Center
October 8: TBD by Mark and Marie Latta
December 10: TBD
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month (except August) at the Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street, Madison Wisconsin unless otherwise indicated.
A board meeting is held at 5:30 in which everyone is invited. Then we begin the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. with an informal show & tell period, then a brief business meeting, followed by the feature presentation.
Onsite is a cafe if you’d like to get something to eat or drink.
We invite you to attend our meetings, and hope you will consider joining our group.
If you own examples of the pottery being discussed, please bring them along!
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